MSMS Offers No-Cost, Customized Education for Residents
Based on direct survey feedback from resident members, MSMS is promoting its diverse menu of no-cost programs for residents through its network of educational resources. All programs can be customized for the individual organization and can be conveniently presented on-site.
Program topics include:
- Career Options after Residency
- Communicating to Your Patients: Do They Understand You?
- Contracting Issues
- Debt Management and How to Protect Your Credit
- Disability Insurance
- Health Plan and Coding Resources
- How To Write a Resume/Tips for Interviewing
- J-1 Visas
- Joining a Practice
- Identity Theft
- Immunization Basics
- Legislative Advocacy/Grassroots 101
- Long Term Care for the Resident or a Parent
- Medical Ethics
- Medical Records and the Law
- Michigan State Loan Repayment Program
- Preparing for the OIG: Are You Compliant?
- Professionalism and Leadership
- Starting a Practice/Business 101